Trees are responsible for so much more than just surrounding you with comforting ambiance. In fact, trees provide timber, food, paper and refuges for wildlife. They also work to replenish the environment with oxygen and filter pollution. In addition, they provide sound barriers and shade canopies. All of these benefits and more make it possible to measure your tree’s monetary value.
Drought continues to adversely impact much of the nation. According to the U.S Outlook drought is likely to persist or intensify in the South West. In spite of this adverse view Branch Management Tree Services can help homeowners keep trees healthy enhancing their property values in this region.
While it’s impossible to keep every tree in good health in time of severe drought, taking a proactive approach for a prized or sentimental tree can enhance its good health, Branch Management Tree Services provides a plan that is supported with good cultural practices, proactive monitoring for pests and disease while responding to warning signs leading to more likely survival
Silent suffering: A tree’s first damage from drought occurs beneath the soil line in the form of root damage, long before any outward sign of trouble. After a tree unsuccessful attempts to conserve water by closing stomata’s, feeder roots die back, sometimes so drastically that the tree is unable to take enough water to support itself. In the worst case, a healthy looking tree collapses without much warning. More often, though, the signs of stress are much less dramatic.
Radial growth slows thus eaves are undersized and may wilt, yellow, curl, or crinkle, become marginally scorched, or even turn brown and fall. Emergent shoots are short. In an effort to right the imbalance caused by root-loss, crown dieback or a general thinning of the canopy occurs.
Opportunistic pests and diseases then make their move. Boring insects are thought to be drawn by the odors and acoustic signals of stressed trees. The sound of water columns breaking cues the borer to invade the tree and lay eggs. We recommend taking preventative action applying treatment by spray or injection to protect prized or important trees from borers because, by the time the owner realize the tree is stressed, it’s been heavily riddled and girdled.
Another danger to stressed trees in fungus, which makes initial contact with surface roots. Please note that when a chemical change in a tree signals a weakened state, the fungus penetrates the bark, wood and cambial zone with fan-like, leathery clumps, cutting off the water supply to the tree.
While all trees are at risk during shortages of water, some are more prone to its effects. New transplants are highly vulnerable to drought stress, and supplemental watering for the first few years of established is necessary, to extent that it’s allowed. But even mature trees suffer.
The most common misconception is that trees take care of themselves.
The truth is that most trees in Arizona yards are growing in somewhat unnatural environments. They need our expertise to flourish.
Proper pruning is necessary for a healthy tree. Removing dead or dying branches discourages the spread of decay or insect infestations. It also removes safety hazards while improving the tree’s appearance.
Proper pruning can also help prevent storm damage. By contrast, topping and lion’s tailing, while sometimes touted as ways to “make trees safe”, causes severe and permanent damage to trees.
Branch Management Tree Services performs proper trimming and pruning in accordance with the ANSI A300 guidelines and standards set forth by the International Society of Arboriculture.
Although tree removal is a last resort, there are circumstances that warrant it necessary. An arborist can help decide whether or not a tree should be removed. Arborists have the skills and equipment to safely and efficiently remove trees.
In all cases, tree removal is best handled by the reputable professionals of Branch Management Tree Services. We have the equipment, experience and expertise to remove any tree safely in any situation. We are fully insured for your protection.
After the safe removal of your tree(s), we can provide you with our stump grinding service. Our machines reduce stumps to a maximum depth of 12″ (30 cm) below grade. Large, surrounding roots close to the surface can also be ground down. We clean and haul away debris to your satisfaction.
Cables are installed in trees to limit movement of limbs judged to have a weak connection or to support heavy limbs. Additional support may be needed due to splits, decay or a weak root system.
Staking is done to maintain the erection and support of the tree. It is done only after corrective pruning to reduce weight on weak systems in the tree. As an adjunct, it can help to reduce the risk of tree or branch failure. Correct installation is crucial in order to have the least possible damage to the tree.
One needs to realize that any kind of cutting or drilling on a tree creates a wound inducing a protective reaction. The fewer and smaller the wounds, the less damage to the tree.
Many shade and ornamental trees are damaged throughout the year by windstorms, ice and snow accumulations, lightning or other mechanical sources (automobiles, vandalism, etc.). Damage usually consists of a few broken branches.
However, more severe damage such as splitting or pulling apart of branch forks, removal of large areas of bark, twisting and splitting of the trunk, or even uprooting may occur.
These injuries usually result in a change in appearance of the tree and increase its susceptibility to a subsequent insect or disease attack, or can cause damage to surrounding buildings and vehicles. Thus, it is important that the damage be properly treated and repairs made to maintain the health of the tree and safety to the surrounds.
Occasionally, trees may be uprooted as a result of severe storms. If the tree is large, it cannot be saved and therefore must be removed.
For some smaller trees (25 feet or less in height), it may be possible to straighten the tree and brace it using guy wires or cables. Some type of power lift or equipment is usually necessary to pull the tree upright.
Our Consulting Arborists will recommend the type of action that should take place in this situation.
Our staff of Certified Arborists will diagnose and recommend the most up-to-date and environmentally conscious method of treatment that is best for your landscape.
Just because you fertilize your yard does not mean that you fertilized your trees. When trees require extra nutrition, they should be fertilized in specific ways to assure they receive the maximum benefit from the treatment. We provide a system to feed your tree using a liquid blend of nutrients forced into the soil at the root zone. This process also provides oxygen to the soil resulting in optimum plant growth.
Palm trees require a unique approach. They have a different anatomy from other trees. Based on this knowledge, the approach to pruning is not the same. Climbing techniques and equipment used also differ from other trees.
Palm trees require a large variety of nutrients to survive and because they thrive in sandy, well-drained soils, these nutrients tend to leach away quickly. As a result, most common problems with palms are caused by a lack of nutrients or improper fertilization. There are palm-specific fertilizers available that release their nutrients very slowly to provide consistent, targeted feeding.
Preventive maintenance keeps trees in good health, which will help the tree better defend itself against insects, disease and site problems. Our staff of Certified Arborists can properly evaluate your trees and make recommendations on how to preserve the investment your have made and keep your landscape beautiful.
This is a program specifically designed to maintain your trees and shrubs in the best possible health. Healthy plants are better able to withstand and survive serious attacks of insects and disease. Healthy trees and shrubs adjust better to changes in climate and are less likely to be damaged by windstorms.
Trees help beautify our surroundings, purify our air, act as sound barriers, manufacture precious oxygen help us save energy through their cooling shade in summer and their wind reduction in winter.
However, many people do not realize that plants have a dollar value of their own that can be measured by competent appraisal such as Branch Management Tree Service can offer. We recommend the following:
THC is a refreshing and dramatic new concept that Branch Management Tree Service promotes and adheres to in its customer service operations. It is a holistic customer-driven approach to tree care that focuses on the health, growth and beauty of trees thus providing a wealth of information to facilitate informed decision-making.
THC offers a change for the better. It begins with a promise that if you tend a tree properly – preventing a tree from undergoing stress by giving it the proper location, sunlight, soil, moisture and protection from disease and pests – the tree will thrive increasing its beauty and value.
THC requires professional support. A staff of well-trained, educated and experienced professionals who are familiar with your trees and their needs for optimum health are at your disposal.
THC is Customer specific. Branch Management Tree Service recognizes that every property is different and that every tree offers its own unique challenges and opportunities. By understanding Customer desires an individualized care program that meets your specific needs is developed.
THC is a monitoring program. Frequent monitoring ensures early detection of problems.
THC is an information program. It bridges communication between the Tree Care Professional assigned to your property and Client.
THC provides optional programs. Alternative treatment options are available to the Client. Typically the best choices are those that work in concert with natural processes and are the least intrusive. They include pruning for health maintenance, eradication, aesthetics, cultural practices such as soil aeration or mulching, fertilization, thinning if overcrowding of trees is a problem, cabling and bracing. Chemical applications and fertilization are available when needed.
THC focuses environmental sensitivity maintaining healthy trees which stimulates their natural defensive systems.